We’ve made a commitment of giving back
ONE MILLION DOLLARS to kids across greater Nashua.
- grew up in New Hampshire
- youngest of 4 kids
- 1st to 12th catholic school education
- private college educated, BS & MBA
- coach youth sports & non-profit boards
- 5-time president & CEO
- $1.0 billion of capital raised
- led 50,000 people
- full-time dad
- grew up in Northern Virginia
- youngest of 2 kids
- 1st to 12th public school education
- small Catholic college, BA & MA
- catholic school volunteer
- senior healthcare industry
- college professor
- business owner
- award-winning designer and business owner
- full-time mom
- born in San Fransisco, CA
- lived in CA, MA, VA, & NH
- oldest of 2 kids
- attends The Groton School
- lives for LAX, field hockey and a bit of basketball
- enjoys relaxing with friends and shopping in NYC
- wants to be a lawyer, CSI team member or negotiator
- born in Arlington, VA
- lived in VA & NH
- youngest of 2 kids
- attends Nashua Catholic Jr. High
- lives for football, basketball & laccrosse
- enjoys hanging out with friends and gaming
- wants to be an architect or something